
How to change your perspective

It's all about perspective. . . . right?  You Can reframe your thoughts to ease anxiety about a specific situation!  This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.  I have two boys, ages 3 and 1/2 and 10 months. They are so full of energy and long naps are unheard of in our house.  Some days I find I get overwhelmed and even frustrated with the crying, neediness, and constant requests. (Side note: I work virtually from home and have since March 17, 2020!) Is that parenting! Yes! Of course there are the good days where we seem to have it together.  But, I started to recognize that there were occasions I became frustrated with the things my 3 year old loves to do!! I didn’t like that at all.  So I’ve been using this strategy to help me reframe the situation, or change my perspective. This has helped me stay more calm, focused, and interested during my child's play.  My 3 year o...

How to keep scrolling, because You Can

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.  Have you ever posted a factual article or statement from a trusted news source on a social media site? Then, as a result your Facebook friends, or other social media platform followers, turn it into a debate. I have! I deleted Facebook from my phone for over a month, with the exception of posting some items for sale, and I thought I'd download it again.  I did, then I shared an article from Reuters, one of the  most trusted  news sources around.  What happened next annoyed me but then I was able to find the humor in it.  I got so many comments that were negative and then people started arguing with each other in my post!! Definitely NOT my intention.   If you’re one to share your opinion on social media (maybe in a rude or disrespectful way), guess what? You CAN keep scrolling and save yourself some frustration! H...

Affirmations, You Can Keep Going

Affirmations, You Can Keep Going  This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission.  I love music! I started playing the snare drum in school band in 4th grade and continued through 12th grade exploring all the percussion instruments. I was also in choir all throughout high school. I absolutely loved each class! I looked forward to playing music and singing with others, learning new songs, and even taught myself how to play the flute my 8th grade year! I had motivation to do well and I had fun!  I wanted to explore the world of musical instruments more, so in high school I took piano lessons for about a year then quit .  In college I rented a violin and took lessons for around a year and then quit . I enjoyed both and still play the piano. . . a little more on that later.  Why did I  quit? Thinking back, that motivation and persistence I possessed in elementary and secondary school slipped away from me at s...

Thought Changing: A Guide

Thought Changing! A guide to help overcome negative thinking and master your own thoughts to improve your overall mood and behavior.   This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission.  Thought changing is easy, right? Not always. It takes practice but you can learn how to do it and get better at changing your negative thoughts.  You can take back control of your emotions and behavior.  You can become a better you!  We all have bad days, encounter negative experiences and even encounter people that impact our mood and how we’re feeling.  We can’t change our environment, but we can learn to control the thoughts in our head and therefore our mood and behavior.    I use this strategy myself daily so I hope you find the following guide helpful in learning about your thoughts, how they impact your mood and behavior.  Mostly, I hope you find a sense of confidence in knowing you ...

Distract! Distract! Distract! A strategy to handle anxious thoughts.

  Dealing with anxiety and worry? Need some ways to cope or manage the emotions?   This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission.  I've found a way that works really well for me and it is also a skill I suggest to the clients I work with. DISTRACT! DISTRACT! DISTRACT!   People tend to work on NOT being distracted.  Typically a person wants to improve their focus and concentration and learn to ignore distractions.  Not in this case! If you find yourself getting stuck in an anxious thought cycle, a distraction may be just what you need.   For more on getting stuck in thought cycles see my previous blog post  Thought Changing, A Guide Identify your anxious thought or worry and write it down! Writing it down can make it separate from your body. You are not your worry nor does it need to be the focus of your day. The bigger it becomes the more anxious you will feel and it can even lead to anxious be...