How to change your perspective

It's all about perspective. . . . right?  You Can reframe your thoughts to ease anxiety about a specific situation!  This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.  I have two boys, ages 3 and 1/2 and 10 months. They are so full of energy and long naps are unheard of in our house.  Some days I find I get overwhelmed and even frustrated with the crying, neediness, and constant requests. (Side note: I work virtually from home and have since March 17, 2020!) Is that parenting! Yes! Of course there are the good days where we seem to have it together.  But, I started to recognize that there were occasions I became frustrated with the things my 3 year old loves to do!! I didn’t like that at all.  So I’ve been using this strategy to help me reframe the situation, or change my perspective. This has helped me stay more calm, focused, and interested during my child's play.  My 3 year o...

Affirmations, You Can Keep Going

Affirmations, You Can Keep Going 

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission. 

I love music! I started playing the snare drum in school band in 4th grade and continued through 12th grade exploring all the percussion instruments. I was also in choir all throughout high school. I absolutely loved each class! I looked forward to playing music and singing with others, learning new songs, and even taught myself how to play the flute my 8th grade year! I had motivation to do well and I had fun! 

I wanted to explore the world of musical instruments more, so in high school I took piano lessons for about a year then quit.  In college I rented a violin and took lessons for around a year and then quit. I enjoyed both and still play the piano. . . a little more on that later. 

Why did I quit? Thinking back, that motivation and persistence I possessed in elementary and secondary school slipped away from me at some point. I don’t recall anyone specifically encouraging me to continue piano or violin lessons, not even myself. 

I was missing that internal drive. That voice inside saying, “Keep going!” or “You can do this!” I don't know why it slipped away or exactly when it happened, but it did.  I lost that little voice encouraging me along the way.  So I quit.  I went years without touching a musical instrument.  It wasn't until recently the piano from my childhood made it back into my home as an adult and I started playing piano again.  However, I’m somewhat stuck at the beginner to intermediate level and just can’t seem to move past it. I tend to gravitate towards familiar books and music.  Not sure my husband and kids enjoy the sound of it though . . . My 3 year old usually says “I can’t hear!", referring to his precious TV shows on Netflix. I think my 8 month old likes to listen though 😃

Once that precious family piano was brought into my home I thought, "Hey, I can still do this!"  I can still learn new things! So I'm trying.  I try to at least put my hands on the keys daily, even if it's just a little tune to keep the muscle memory going or challenge myself with an unfamiliar song.  That voice inside me, saying, "I can still do this" has returned! That's my affirmation.  I use it daily. It's simple. It's helpful.  It's motivating. It reminds me of what I want to accomplish, which is moving past that beginner level and explore new musical pieces.  

What is an affirmation? It’s a statement we say out loud to ourselves or think to ourselves.  It’s a statement that provides emotional support and motivation for yourself.  Furthermore, an affirmation can be used to jump start your day or even change the course of your mood!  Check out my blog about Thought Changing to learn more about how our thoughts affect our mood! 

So what does an affirmation sound like? It should be a short statement you say to yourself or out loud.  It is a phrase that holds strong meaning and guides you towards a goal. It creates a sense of purpose or motivation. 

Who has encouraged you to reach a goal?  Your mom, dad, or other relative?  A teacher perhaps?  Is there one person who always encouraged you no matter what?  What did they say to you? Did they say anything that you now repeat to yourself in adverse times? Boom! There's your affirmation!!! If you can't think of one you've learned from a supportive person in your life I want you to create your own.  Write down some ideas and find one you love! I want to hear it too! Leave it in the comments below!!!

Write this affirmation on a post it note and put it somewhere in your home, office, or even your car! Heck write it on your bathroom mirror with eyeliner (my good friend did this when we lived together and I was very confused but I get it now!).  You did it!! Now go be awesome! I know You Can!
Side note: my goal for piano is to play Toccata In D Minor (Bach). Level up! 

Check out this amazing story!! DeShauna Barber was Miss USA in 2016.  See how she used an affirmation to motivate herself and improve her self esteem.  

To have affirmations right at your fingertips check out these two books! I love them and use them with students on a regular basis. 


  1. This is fantastic! Congratulations on your article and blog!


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